Aotearoa New Zealand's first PopUp Business School (PUBSA) is about to begin at the Te Rauparaha Arena. 45 people who live and/or work in Porirua have signed up to attend this 2 week (10 day) event as they prepare to learn skills and gain motivation to begin or advance their business. This business school is about you developing practical skills to run a business for little or no cost. PUBSA events help people like you to cut through the many obstacles that can hinder those with good ideas and readiness to start a business. There are still a few FREE places available for you to join this event. Value Websites and others with business development skills and experience are waiting to welcome you to the PUBSA Porirua event. Need more info? View Porirua Mayor Mike Tana and others with their take on what you can achieve in two weeks by attending the Porirua PopUp Business School 2-13 October 2017.
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Value Websites is a sponsor of the first New Zealand PopUp Business School which will be held in Porirua 2-13 October 2017. This event has been brought to Porirua from England by Tony Henderson-Newport after its success in helping people establish businesses there. Terry at Value Websites will offer attendees insights about how a web presence can enhance startup business prospects. Value Websites has been assisting Tony to develop the PopUp Business School website and its links to Eventbrite and Mail Chimp apps. This event is a 10-day course, 9:30am to 2:30pm each day. The PopUp Business School is a Social Enterprise, focused on helping you start your business and get your ideas off the ground instantly! Come along, spend 10 days with us and learn
register to attend now You need to live or work in Porirua City to Register for this Event
Value Websites are Trade Website Specialists. You can get a website like Precision Kerbing's in Christchurch. It has become their major generator of business leads. VIEW MORE HEREYes, Value Websites are Trade Website Specialists. We are delivering for Precision Kerbing 470 page views and 110 unique visitors a week (June 2016). This was after the website was operational for six months.
You will get 10% off our website plans. With this discount we can build you a website from $359. Talk to Terry at Value Websites 027 6001926 or [email protected] ![]() Christchurch and Canterbury business Precision Kerbing have been operating their Value-Websites-Designed-and-Built Weebly website since December 2015 - just six months. While we have been aware that the addition of the website has been a useful marketing tool for this business, it was pleasing this week to get the following endorsement from owner/manager Paul Diver, Hi Terry we have just completed a review of our kerbing business to find that since we have had our website up and running we have reached new heights. We have had a lot of inquiries due to the website. We now ask people how they found us and pleasing to say most from the website, with one inquiry saying it was the most professional site in kerbing. I would like to say thankyou for the time and effort that you gave me in achieving the growth of the business. Which image represents the way you collaborate and network as a self-employed or freelance worker?A recent blog article from the Weebly Inspiration Centre challenged me to think about how I network as a freelance web designer. In summary the article offered the five challenges summarised in this extract from the article. The number of self-employed and freelance workers is growing every day. But working alone isn't always easy. How do you maintain the relationships and collaboration that comes with a physical workplace? I have to confess to some disquiet as compare my work style with what might be gained from good networking as suggested in the article. At best my networking attempts are relatively disorganised and spasmodic. I attempt to maintain regular and supportive communication with clients present and past, but I could do far better in relation to professional colleagues. As a generalist I tend to have a go at most things when some of them would be better contracted out to others more qualified. As a relative introvert I am not afraid of my own company as a worker, but I recognise that the stimulation offered by (net)working alongside others is important for creativity and motivation.
Having said that, I have recently connected with another web media and design professional with complementary strengths in our fields who lives in a nearby city. We have agreed to consult and cover for one another as the need arises, and to keep in touch. A liberating step forward and a challenge to take more seriously the challenged raised by the Weebly blog article.
GET A WEBSITE FOR NZ$399Trades people are usually do-ers before they are marketers. They may believe that enough business will come from word of mouth recommendations from satisfied customers. For some that is true. But most tradies need more sources of leads. A basic promotional website gives trades people another string to their bow. Such a website can say much more than a listing on a trades' directory. You can highlight current work completed, quickly indicate any special offers and get a personal business listing on Google - usually on page one - for key search terms if your web designer sets up your website correctly.
As part of our recent website upgrade, Value Websites has a new logo - see above. It is described on our About page in these words, The Value Websites Logo continues to use the crimson and gold colouring of an earlier logo. Black has been added to signify that we are a Wellington, NZ company; black and gold being the region's common colours. Black is also the dominant colour of many of our national sporting teams' attire. The three dimensional square box has these three colours - black, gold and crimson - as sides and symbolises the Company's core values: value, transparency and optimisation. The boxes' edges are equally proportioned and are a reminder that we seek balance in all aspects of web design and development. These changes consolidate our decision to major on building and editing Weebly websites. With provision of their eCommerce and membership business plan, Weebly has produced a website development platform that meets most requirements of small and medium businesses. While we may choose to occasionally develop using other platforms, we are familiar with a few, we major on Weebly because they are the most user-friendly of the CMS platforms currently available. We regularly find that our clients are able substantially to edit their sites with us (or Weebly Help Desk) guiding in the background. Naturally this offers significant savings for clients.
Our other major web business commitment is to online form development. Weebly's form functionality is sufficient for many uses. If more is more is required, we offer Formstack which will meet most online form requirements. We continue to do forms work with SP Conference Management who organise 5-6 major conferences annually. Increasingly we receive calls from around New Zealand about Weebly website issues. While we have no formal ties with Weebly, other than as users of their products, we are being recognised as leading NZ Weebly experts. I guess after building 50+ Weebly sites and contributing to parts of others, we know what makes Weebly sites tick!
With the launch in the last week of the AEAAustralasia ecommerce, small business web, Value Websites are having a breather after an intensive period of development. The other major development was the Alve Family History website that has been a long term development requiring research, interview, web writing and design.
Let's look at these two projects a little more closely. |
AuthorTerry Alve - Value Websites Limited Recent PostsPopular Posts